Two nights ago I was on the web cam with Adriane and Ethan, he was being very silly as it was past his bedtime! I had sent them a couple of photos of Grandpa catching a fish at the lake and as Ethan was looking at them; he looked straight into the web cam and said, "Nana, I come you house.".... I wanted to jump in the car and drive all the way up there and get him right then! I told him that it was too far right now, but pretty soon he could come for a visit. His eyes got so big and he got this sad, pouty look. His mom was laughing and told me, "He does this all the time now! I don't know where he got it!!"
So the next morning I talked to DH and Ethan's mom and we are working out the details for Ethan to spend a week to ten days with us the beginning part of June.... I tell ya, those big chocolate brown eyes and pouty lip will get you every time!!!
Man I love this kid!!!